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"Go and invite everyone to the banquet"

Matthew 22:9

“I get calls from Bishops from Asia and Africa, and often, during the first three minutes, I hear no words, just sobbing ... They are the ones who rely on World Mission Sunday”

Cardinal Tagle
Dicastery for Evangelisation

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New Church Ngeptane

In the small village of Ngetpang in the diocese of Kumbo, the villagers took on the mammoth task of rebuilding their village church only to discover they had no funds left to bring it to completion.
Bishop Nkuo, bishop of Kumbo, reached out to his friend, Missio Scotland's National Director Fr Lockhart, to support the villagers in their mission and to help finish their church.

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St Francis Skills Training

Also in the diocese of Kumbo, the St Francis Home for  Formation and Skills Training in the village of Njavnyuy, provides a safe haven for displaced children by teaching them skills such as welding, carpentry and sewing.

Missio Scotland will be supporting The Franciscan Sisters in the daily running of the centre by providing food, materials and medication for the young people who attend the centre.

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Medical Centre

In the midst of the conflict in Cameroon, young people and children affected by disability face difficult challenges. The medical centre in Bui Division aims to supply these children with the help they so desperately need.

Sr Hedwig, a Franciscan Sister, asked Missio Scotland to assist her in providing practical help for these children in the form of medicines, sensory and mobility devices.


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Parish Resources

In preparation for Mission Sunday 2024, parishes will receive packs containing our 'We Are Mission' magazine. In addition, a copy of the resources listed below will be included which can be used for the preparation and celebration of Mission Sunday.

Bulletin inserts for the weeks leading up to and after Mission Sunday as well as on the day itself

Intercessions for use on Mission Sunday

National Director's letter which can be used as the homily on Mission Sunday

Details of how to submit your Mission Sunday collection to Missio Scotland

In preparation for  Mission Sunday 2023, parishes will receive packs containing our 'We Are Mission' magazine.

In addition, a copy of the resources listed below will also be included which can be used for both the preparation and celebration of Mission Sunday.

Mission Sunday Parish Resources

ND Letter

National Director's letter can be used as the homily on Mission Sunday

Bulletin Inserts

Inserts for weeks before, after and on the day of Mission Sunday

Prayers of the Faithful

Prayers of the Faithful for use during Mission Sunday the mass

WMS 2023 Poster

Poster can be placed in the porch to inform parishioners

Parish Remittance Slip

Details of how to submit your parish collection

Gift Aid Form

Sign up and Gift Aid form for individual donors

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You can make a difference

Give a gift to help support our Mission Sunday 2024 Cameroon projects today

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World Mission Sunday is a day set aside for the Catholic Church throughout the world to publicly renew its commitment to the missionary movement. It is a day when our Holy Father appeals to us all for both spiritual and financial support for overseas missionaries. 

You can read Pope Francis' message for World Mission Sunday here.

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Cameroon is Missio Scotland's focus country for 2024 where we will be supporting three projects.

Click on the 'We Are Mission' image to browse our Mission Sunday magazine and read more about the projects.​

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