Missio Scotland is the Holy Father's official charity for overseas mission.
We are part of a global network serving the church in over 120 countries.
Our mission is to share God's word in the remote areas of the world where the church is young or poor.

Missio Scotland creates opportunities for people to be formed in mission through prayer, action and fundraising.
As the Pope's international mission agency we can help give life around the world by responding to God's call to love our neighbours.

Fr Vincent Lockhart was appointed Missio Scotland's National Director in 2018 after serving as caretaker for two years. He spent 16 years in the remote areas of Cameroon.
On his appointment, Fr Vincent commented, "Missio is the Pope's personal mission charity and is an expression of the fact that the Church is a family. The work of Missio Scotland is to deepen that family bond between the Church here in Scotland and the Church in those countries where it is in need of our spiritual and material support."

Throughout the world, the Pontifical Mission Societies work with the Church and community leaders to give people the chance of a full an enriched life.
Mission work excludes no-one. Missio Scotland helps fund and support projects across four main areas.
Continuing the mission of Jesus in the world through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Supporting the formation of priests and religious through the Society of St Peter the Apostle
Supporting the Catholic Church’s official missionary charity for children, Missionary Children
Providing mission formation opportunities through the Pontifical Mission Union
The Pontifical Mission Societies were founded in 1822 by a lay woman named Pauline Jaricot. From humble beginnings the first Pontifical Mission Society was started and today Missio Scotland acts as the Pope's own mission organisation in Scotland.

Missio Scotland creates opportunities for people to be formed in mission through prayer, action and fundraising.
As the Pope's international mission agency we can help give life around the world by responding to God's call to love our neighbours.

Missio Scotland is the Holy Father's official charity for overseas mission.
We are part of a global network serving the church in over 120 countries.
Our mission is to share God's word in the remote areas of the world where the church is young or poor.

Fr Vincent Lockhart was appointed Missio Scotland's National Director in 2018 after serving as caretaker for two years. He spent 16 years in the remote areas of Cameroon.
On his appointment, Fr Vincent commented, "Missio is the Pope's personal mission charity and is an expression of the fact that the Church is a family. The work of Missio Scotland is to deepen that family bond between the Church here in Scotland and the Church in those countries where it is in need of our spiritual and material support."

Throughout the world, the Pontifical Mission Societies work with the Church and community leaders to give people the chance of a full an enriched life.
Mission work excludes no-one. Missio Scotland helps fund and support projects across four main areas.
Continuing the mission of Jesus in the world through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Supporting the formation of priests and religious through the Society of St Peter the Apostle
Supporting the Catholic Church’s official missionary charity for children, Missionary Children
Providing mission formation opportunities through the Pontifical Mission Union
The Pontifical Mission Societies were founded in 1822 by a lay woman named Pauline Jaricot. From humble beginnings the first Pontifical Mission Society was started and today Missio Scotland acts as the Pope's own mission organisation in Scotland.
Missio Scotland is the Holy Father's official charity for overseas mission.
We are part of a global network serving the church in over 120 countries.
Our mission is to share God's word in the remote areas of the world where the church is young or poor.

Missio Scotland creates opportunities for people to be formed in mission through prayer, action and fundraising.
As the Pope's international mission agency we can help give life around the world by responding to God's call to love our neighbours.

Throughout the world, the Pontifical Mission Societies work with the Church and community leaders to give people the chance of a full an enriched life.
Mission work excludes no-one. Missio Scotland helps fund and support projects across four main areas.
Continuing the mission of Jesus in the world through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Supporting the formation of priests and religious through the Society of St Peter the Apostle
Supporting the Catholic Church’s official missionary charity for children, Missionary Children
Providing mission formation opportunities through the Pontifical Mission Union
The Pontifical Mission Societies were founded in 1822 by a lay woman named Pauline Jaricot. From humble beginnings the first Pontifical Mission Society was started and today Missio Scotland acts as the Pope's own mission organisation in Scotland.