Gerard Gough
WHILE the Missio Scotland staff haven’t been able to visit schools in person since March 2020, our work to support them has continued unabated.
At Missio Scotland, we are lucky enough to travel to mission countries and territories often, where we are able to see the life-giving and life-saving work being undertaken as a result of the generous donations we receive! So, we endeavoured to develop resources that would provide an insight into Christianity throughout the world, the role of missionaries and the work of Missio Scotland in different countries.
The resources, which are featured on our new webpage, ‘Let’s Take A Trip,’ in the schools section of our website, invite staff and pupils to take a trip with Missio Scotland, are country specific and include a brand new assembly, with links to This Is Our Faith and other curricular areas, as well as including learning intentions and success criteria.
We have also included a country fact-file resource, a prayer resource, a postcard resource and a coin map fundraiser, which will enable pupils to develop a fuller picture of some of the countries we work in, learn about the work itself and perhaps even fundraise to support, in some small way, the projects undertaken through the Missionary Children arm of Missio Scotland.
“We are really pleased with the new resources,” Martin Mann, Missio Scotland’s Education and Fundraising Officer, said. “The team at Missio have collaborated with teachers from several different primary schools to put together these new resources which incorporate a number of benchmarks from different curricular areas. It is our hope that they can be used by teaching colleagues to give young people an experience of some of the countries that missionaries work and the good work they undertake aided and supported by Missio Scotland.”
The first countries to be featured are Malawi, Peru, Sierra Leone and Zambia, but this will be added to in due course!
To find out more about the new resources and to make use of them, visit: https://www.missioscotland.com/lets-take-a-trip
Remember too that schools can request a virtual assembly from Missio Scotland by visiting: https://www.missioscotland.com/request-a-school-visit or by e-mailing: gerard@missioscotland.com or martin@missioscotland.com
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